Red Algae, also known as red slime algae, is actually not an algae at all. It is a cyanobacteria. It’s fully photosynthetic, and can be extremely difficult to manage once it gets out of hand. The reason that Red Algae is such a common problem is due to the fact that many aquarists aren’t checking […]
Keeping fish can be a rewarding hobby, and when many aquarists first get started they often stick solely with freshwater tanks. Freshwater aquariums are simpler, less expensive and easier to care for, but as your experience grows, you may find yourself more and more tempted by the diversity, colors and exotic appeal of a saltwater […]
Part of the fun of the aquarium hobby is that Tropical fish come in many different shapes, sizes and attitudes. Included in these differences should be feeding requirements. In freshwater, there are carnivorous (meat eating) mid-water tetras, or bottom feeding catfish, top feeding hatchetfish and Killifish which are different in size and temperament from top […]
Being a fish and pond owner is all about having the chance to relax and watch your fish enjoy its watery home. However, there is nothing more frustrating than skittish fish. Skittish fish will dart away at the first hint of movement or worse, perpetually stay in the shadows of the pond. This frustration is […]
You’ve got your aquarium beautifully balanced to be a healthy environment for the fish you’ve carefully selected, but you check the tank one day and you notice a number of tiny fry (baby fish) swimming happily around. This will upset that delicate tank balance, disrupt your carefully planned aquatic art and make more work for […]
It can be intimidating to start a new aquarium, and freshwater aquariums are generally less complicated and easier for beginners to manage. Not all fish are the same, however, and some species are better suited for beginners than others. By choosing the best beginning fish, a new aquarium owner can learn the tricks of keeping […]